Cloud question mark   Beauchamp Foot Care   Beauchamp Foot Care


We understand that there are many questions that new and existing parents might want to know the answer to. Some of these questions are asked on a regular basis and we want to ensure that you as parents and carers understand our reasoning behind why some of these things are (or are not) in place.


Can we provide hot lunches for KS2?

This is something that we have looked into for many years. Unfortunately, due to the size of our dining hall space and the capacity of our kitchen area, we are unable to accommodate the large numbers that would need to be catered for if we were to offer hot lunches to the whole school. We revisit our provision of hot lunches regularly with governors and always look into new ways to try and make this happen but currently it is not a school priority.


The carpark is often very busy during pick up and drop offs, could we extend the car park to enable more spaces?

We have done extensive research into how to ease the congestion in the car park and have worked with our governors and experts in the field to find solutions to help. Unfortunately, we are unable to extend our car park as the land around the car park is private land. In order to help ease the congestion, we already have a number of things in place: staggered pick ups and drop offs; an increased number of after school clubs and use of the Home Run App to lift share. As members of the Danesfield community, we are all part of the solution for easing the congestion in the car park and therefore need to work together to keep it flowing as freely as possible.


What is our Secondary Transfer Test pass rate?

Each cohort fluctuates and therefore we couldn't put a numerical figure to answer this question. We tend to be roughly in line with the Buckinghamshire average of 30% pass rate. 

It is important to consider that the results of the STT are not a reflection of the school's performance as we do not tutor our children for the STT. Parents and carers make the individual decision as to whether to prepare their child/children for the STT, for example, by using a tutor. The role that we play as a school, is to ensure that our children remain as calm, relaxed and positive as possible in the build up to the tests and we never put pressure on the children. 


Why do the SATs at the end of KS2 matter to my child?

SATs tests are important to your child for two main reasons. Firstly, achieving to the very best of your child's ability in the SATs asssessments will make them feel confident and prepared for their move to secondary school.  Secondly, secondary schools often take scores achieved in the SATs tests to create targets for each child's GCSE results. These targets often influence which sets your child will be in as well as setting the learning journey for the next 5 years of their school life. 

In upper KS2, but specifically Year 6, we prepare your child for the SATS tests and their transition to Secondary school. We hold interactive transition workshops with the whole cohort to ensure that each child feels more confident about moving schools. In addition, the teachers weave in a lot of transition work to their PSHE lessons throughout the year. As part of our preparation for SATs, we ask parents to work with us in supporting their child with completing sections of CGP books for Reading, Maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling).


Why do we not set 'formal' homework?

We have reviewed the use and value of homework at Danesfield.  Worldwide research shows that reading and discussions with children of all ages has the highest impact on academic success.  Reading for pleasure every day additionally increases a child’s sense of achievement, confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness and develops their sense of inclusion and empathy through the sharing of ideas and opinions.  

In maths, research reinforces that knowing times tables and basic number facts is critical to mathematical learning and understanding. Furthermore, children are held back from learning more complex procedures without a secure understanding of these basics.  

With this in mind, we adapted our homework expectation to include the following:

  • Weekly spellings 
  • Daily reading with an adult - recorded in reading record: 
  • Unlimited access to Times Table Rockstars and SumDog Maths to practise key mathematical facts e.g times tables, numbers bonds etc.

In the Spring and Summer term of Year 6, formal homework is set in order to prepare our children for life at Secondary school.


Will my child get in to Danesfield, if we don't live in catchment?

Parents and carers can sometimes be cautious when applying for a place at our school if they are not in catchment. However, historically we've gained some insight into the likelihood of you securing a place for your child. Every year we do admit children who are out of catchment and we would not want this to put you off applying! Please do call the office to discuss this if you are out of catchment and interested in applying for a place.


Do you have a school bus and can my child use it?

If you live in Marlow, within our catchment area, you are entitled to free school transport (subject to any changes to Buckinghamshire policy and space availability) You can also purchase a ticket for the bus if you live outside of catchment but these must be purchased for a whole term. Please follow this link for more information: School transport | Buckinghamshire Council